Welcome Back Everyone Sept 2018
Date: 7th Sep 2018 @ 3:19pm
Welcome back everyone. I hope that you have all had a lovely Summer holiday and are ready for the year ahead. Once again it will be a very busy year and we have lots of exciting things planned so keep up to date with all that is happening by reading our weekly newsletter and by going online to our school website. New class pages and blogs will be up and running over the next week or so.
All of the children have spent this week settling down to life in their new classes and they all appear happy and excited to be back—one little boy told me that he had been counting down the days as he had been bored. Several people told me that they would like a couple of more weeks off—but that was mainly the staff!
The children have made a great start and their teachers and teaching assistants have been very impressed with their positive attitudes. They have spent the week exploring our school Mission Statement (St Mary’s school is a safe and happy place where we follow Jesus by living, loving, learning and working together) and our Core Values (Integrity, Passion, Respect, Nurturing and Creativity) and have produced some lovely work and shared some lovely thoughts and ideas. Our Mission Statement and Core Values underpin all that we say and do at St. Mary’s so it has been lovely having the opportunity to explore what they mean to our children.
Our Reception children have made a fantastic start. They have settled in so well and we have had virtually no tears! They all stayed for lunch today and they really enjoyed their school dinner. We had lots of clean plates! We think that they are more than ready to start full time school on Monday and we are looking forward to welcoming the children and their families into our school and parish families.
We are all looking forward to another happy and successful year.