Y4 End of Spring Term
Date: 16th Apr 2022 @ 1:21pm
We have had an incredibly busy Spring Term in Year 4!
Over the last few weeks, we have been finishing our Rotten Romans topic which we have really enjoyed! We have made Roman coin purses which the children embroidered with their initials, we have made pizzas from scratch and the Romans inveded our classroom for a day! The Roman day was huge fun for everyone and the children got to take part in some very exciting activities. They learnt some Latin, made clay keepsakes, took part in a Roman banquet, played Roman bourd games, trained like Roman soldiers, took part in a play and handled lots of different artefacts.
Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the fun things we have done this term
We have continued our Holy Communion preparations this term and in our RE lessons we have been learning all about the Eucharist Mass.
In English we have produced some amazing newspaper articles about Boudicca's rebellion against the Romans and in Maths we have completed our Fractions topic and are ready to begin learning about decimals after Easter.
I can't wait to see you all after the Easter holidays when we will be beginning our new topic Water, Water Everywhere!
Please note that there will be no flute lesson on Tuesday 19th April. Lessons will resume the following week on Tuesday 26th April.