Year 4 Blog WC 10/01/22
Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 7:37pm
The children have made a great start to 2022! We have been busy in class beginning our new Spring topics.
In RE, we have started our Community topic by exploring what a community is and discussing the communities we are part of. We then looked at Jesus' community and learnt about his apostles and designed a Code of Cnduct for Christians to live by inspired by Jesus and his apostles.
Our topic this term is 'Rotten Romans'. We have created a timeline of events from the Roman era and have explored the differences between primary and seconday sources before classifying a variety of Roman artefacts. In English, we have been inspired by the book 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit to write a setting description of Pompeii as Mount Vesuvius began to erupt. I have been amazed by the vocabulary the children have used in their descriptions!
In science we are learning about electricity and we have found out the difference between mains power and battery power. We then sorted difference appliances in venn diagrams.
Pleas remember to bring flutes into school on Tuesday's for the weekly music lesson.
Stars of the Week:
Matthew - Freddy S
Mark - Heidi
Luke - Freddi P (Overall Winner)
John - Kate
Good Work - Jonathan for using excellent vocabulary in his writing.
Bucket Filler - Alice for always offering to do jobs in class.