Year 4 Blog WC 21/02/22

Date: 28th Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm

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It has been a busy first week back in Year 4.

We have started a new RE topic - Giving and Receiving. This is an important topic in Year 4 as it ia all about the Eucharist Mass. Learning about this Mass and its signs and symbols helps the children prepare for their Holy Communion later in the year. This week we explored how people gather for Mass.

We are continuing with our 'Rotten Romans' topic this half term. In History we became Roman spies and found out what Britain was like before the Romans invaded before discussing how the Romans could successfully invade. In Geography we are continuing to learn about Italy. We have been using a range of maps to compare the geographical features of Italy and England.

See the source image

In English we have written informal letters describing an imaginary holiday to Rome. The children have really enjoyed being able to use informal language and slang in their writing - something they are usually told not to use!

In Maths we have completed a short unit of work on area. The children have shown great understanding of this and are ready to begin our fractions topic next week.

The children who are making their Holy Communion are looking forward to beginning their preparations by working through their very special I  Belong books. Communion lessons will be starting in the next couple of weeks.


Please remember to bring flutes into school on Tuesday's for the weekly music lesson.