Year 4 Blog WC 29/11/21

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 11:18am

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This week we have continued our Advent topic in RE, looking at God's gift of Jesus and how Christians can show love to different people during Advent.

We have been using our knowldege of the digestive system to write non-chronological reports and the children's scientific knowledge has been amazing!

Due to a change in the timetable, Home Readers will now be sent out on a Monday instead of a Tuesady. They are due in on the following Monday. Thank you.


Pleas remember to bring flutes into school on Tuesday's for the weekly music lesson.



Stars of the Week:

Matthew - Annabelle

Mark - Tristan

Luke - Emily (Overall Winner)

John - Luca

Good Work - Heidi for a great start to her non-chronological report.

Bucket Filler - Jessica for always putting 100% effort into her work.