Year 4 Blog WC041021
Date: 9th Oct 2021 @ 12:44pm
What an amazing poetry week we have had in Year 4! This week toc celebrate National Poetry Week the children have learnt a poem to perforn in Poetry Assembly. The theme of Poetry Week was choices and we looked a poem by Tony Bradman called 'Leave the Whales Alone, Please.' When we read this poem for the first time we discussed how the choises we make can impact the environment around us and the effects our choices can have on animals both on land and in the oceans. I was so proud of how well the children learned and performed their poem in assembly on Thursday! Other members of staff have also told me how well they thought Year 4 deleivered their poem - great job everyone!
We also spent time looking at Kennings this week and the children wrote their own Stone Age Kenning showing their knowledge of the Stone Age while planning their poems. Finally, we read 'I was born in the Stone Age' by Michael Rosen and had a laugh watching Michael Rosen perform this very comical poem.
Stars of the Week:
Matthew - Ruby
Mark - Jonathan
Luke - Luca (Overall Winner)
John - Kate
Good Work - James for a great Stone Age Kenning.
Bucket Filler - Caitlin for always being helpful in class.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday!