Year 4 Blog WC08/11/21
Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 10:10pm
On Monday, we went into the hall for our maths lesson. This was because it has been active maths week, so rather than spend the lesson sat at tables the children had to run across the hall to get numbers they could then add together using column addition. The children worked really well in teams and completed so many calculations we lost count! We have also continued to dance and sing along with times tables supermovers videos, this week we have been dancing with Filbert Fox while learning our 8 times tables.
In RE, we have been learning about the Hindu Holy Books. The children explored sanskrit writing and listened to the story of The Bold Beggar. They then discussed the meaning behing the story and considered the importance of practising what you believe.
In PSHE, we read a short story called 'How to be a Lion' by Ed Vere. The story is about Leonard a gentle Lion who is treated unkindly by other lions as they do not think he is fierce enough. With the help of his friend Marianne, who happens to be a duck the other lions think he shuold chomp!, Leonard realises that he does not need to change to be like the other lions. The children worked in teams to complete activities linked to the book. They role-played and considered how the different characters felt throughout the story. The children had an excellent discussion about the message of the story and the importance of being true to yourself. Remember, just as Leonard said, "Why don't you be you, and I will be I."
In preparation for Anti-bullying Week next week we spent time in our computing lesson thinking about what cyberbullying is and the best ways to protect ourselves from it online.
On Thursday, we spent some time thinking about Remembrance Day. We watched a viseo about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and the significance of the poppy. We talked about the men having to fight for their country and we founnd out about the women of World War 1 and their role in keeping the country running while the men were overseas.
As you can see, we have had a very busy and fun-filled week!
Pleas remember to bring flutes into school on Tuesday's for the weekly music lesson.
Stars of the Week:
Matthew - Caitlin
Mark - Malachy (Overall Winner)
Luke - James
John - Andrew
Good Work - Annabelle for a great Remembrance Day letter
Bucket Filler -Kate for always holding the door for people and having lovely manners.