Year 4 Christmas Blog

Date: 22nd Dec 2021 @ 5:08pm

What a fun-filled final couple of weeks we have had in Year 4!

We have continued our Advent topic in RE. We explored the hope, love and joy the the birth of Jesus brings to Christians and we looked at the different ways Christians prepare for Christmas. We also looked at the journey of the three wise men based on the Gospel of Matthew and compared this to the carol 'We Three Kings'.

We had a fantastic Christmas fun day last Thursday. In the morning we made funky reindeer Christmas cards then completed some Christmas activities. In the afternoon, we watched A Muppet's Christmas Carol after reading the story last week in class and using it as inspiration for a pieace of descriptive writing.

Throughout the rest of the week we took part in Christmas themed activities in Maths and English incuding writing some amazing Christmas acrostic poems and have created some lovely festive artwork which the children have brought home to share with you. On Wednesday, to took part in a Christmas Qiuz.

Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the Christmas activities we have been completing in class.

Myself and Mrs McCartney would like to say a massive thank you to everyone for your very generous gifts.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year when we will be beginning our Rotten Romas topic!