Year 4 - End of Spring Term
Date: 4th Apr 2023 @ 12:59pm
What a fun-filled final few weeks of the Srping term we have had in Year 4.
On Monday, we spent time in Church looking at the Stations of the Cross with Mrs McDonnell in preparion for Easter. The children asked lots of interesting questions and Mrs McDonnell was so impressed with the children's behaiour in Church she awarded them all 3 house points each! Later in the week, we explored the events of Holy Week and the children retold the Easter story in RE.
On Wednesday 22nd March, the children who are making their First Holy Communion met with Father Paul to make their first confessions. Lots of them were worried about this, but they all said afterwards how nice it had been to spend time with Father Paul and he really enjoyed speaking to the children as well.
On Tuesday, we took part in our Roman workshop to celebrate the end of our Rotten Romans topic. We were visited by a Roman soldier named Mad who took us back through the history of the Roman Empire. The children were able to handle Roman artefacts, played a Roman board game, looked at the weapons of a Roman soldier and even took part in their own chariot races. Have a look at the pictures of this amazing day below.
Have a lovely Easter break everyone and I will see you in 2 weeks to start our final topic of the year - Water, Water Everywhere!