Year 4 - End of Year Blog

Date: 21st Jul 2023 @ 7:45am

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We have made it to the end of the school year! The children should be so proud of everything they have achieved this year!

I would like to begin by saying a huge THANK YOU for all of our lovely gifts. We have been blown away by your genorosity!

We have had a fun-filled final week celebrating the children's last week in Year 4. We made pan pipes in Science and used them to investigate pitch. We have created some lovely water inspired artwork using pencils and crayons to create different shades and on Wednesday the children took part in the KS2 Sporting Fun Day. They were able to play quidditch, become archers, fight on gladiator podiums and become sumo wrestlers!

To celebrate finishing our class novel 'The Water Horse' the children enjoyed watching the film and were amazed by how different it is to the book! We ended the week by taking part in a class quiz.

Finally, I would like to say how proud I am of everything the children have achieved this year. They have all worked so hard and made amazing progress this year. Well done Year 4!

We hope that everyone has a lovely and relaxing summer break and we can't wait to see you all again in September when you begin the new challenges of Year 5!


Miss Gradwell, Mrs McCartney and Mrs Beauvironnois