Year 4 - First blog of 2023

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 7:00pm

We would like to start the first blog of 2023 by saying a huge THANK YOU for the very generous gifts you gave us before we finished for Christmas. We were overwhelmed by your generosity and really appreciate the thoughtful gifts. - Miss Gradwell, Mrs McCartney and Mrs Beauvironnois

A new year has begun...

We have made through the first full week of 2023! The children have quickly got back into the routines and lessons after the Chritmas break.

We have started our new topic 'Rotten Romans' this week by exploring timelines. We have also read 'Escape from Pompeii' which will be the inspiration for our writing over the next few weeks. Throughout this term we will be exploring life in ancient Rome in History, travelling through Italy in Geography, learning about Kaso an Italian street artist in art, finding out about electricity in Science and much, much more!

I have been really impressed with the children's times table knowledge so far and this term we will continue to build their speed of recall for times tables facts up to 12x12. The dates for the Multiplication Tables Check have been released and the test will be administered using I-Pads between the 5th and 16th June.

A quick reminder:

  • Homework is set on Emile every Tuesday and should be completed by the following Tuesday. 
  • New spelling lists were sent out this week. There is a weekly spelling battle each Tuesday morning in class.
  • Home Readers are issued every other Tuesday with book reviews completed in between weeks.
  • Flutes must be brought to school every Tuesday for the weekly music lesson.