Heroes and Villains

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 12:40pm


Hello everyone, 


I can't believe we are at the end of term. We have thoroughly enjoyed our Heroes and Villains topic .

Last week, we celebrated the end of our topic by inviting the children to join us in a Guy Fawkes workshop. The children fully embraced the theme of the day and it was lovely to see so many costumes. During our workshop the children were able to showcase their learning with lots of drama, dance and story telling activities. We created beautiful chalk drawings of the houses of Parliament and cracked secret codes to stop the plotters and foil the Gunpowder plot.To finish our workshop we made some yummy and very professional looking toffee apples, the children couldn't wait to get home and give them a try!

I'm sure the children have shared with you lots of exciting tales and interesting facts about our villain, Guy Fawkes and all of his accomplices and the Gunpowder Plot. 


Thank you for your continued support, 


The Y2 Team :)