Our weekly routines:
Homework, Home reader and spelling day!
Homework will be set on 'Emile' every week. This will include spelling activities, times table activities and either a grammar/punctuation or maths task.
Home readers will be swapped every 2 weeks. In Key Stage 2, our home reading books are thicker and will therefore take children longer to read.
In Year 5, we expect pupils to be able to read their home readers within 2 weeks.
Home readers still must be brought into school weekly and signed by an adult- indicating what page they are up to/ whether the book is completed.
This is so we can check them out of the library again and for us to ensure children are reading regularly via a weekly book review in class.
Not bringing home readers in on time may result in your child not receiving a home reader for 2 weeks as we have an allocated library slot.
Spellings will be sent home termly with activities for children to complete in a booklet.
Spelling games can also still be accessed on email using the codes listen on the spelling booklet overview.
As we are trying to encourage independent skills in Year 5, any missing/ forgotten or incomplete homework/readers may result in your child receiving a 'blip'.
Children need to wear school tracksuits for P.E.
Children need to wear school tracksuits for P.E.
Star of the week, Good Work and Bucket Fillers will be announced during assembly on a Monday afternoon.
Our school Newsletter can be found on the website and any other news on Twitter @StMarysrcpb or Birchley Bear page on Facebook.
Also, please keep an eye out for our class blogs and gallery items for updates on what Y5 have been getting up to.

Annually: School Levy
Some useful websites:
KS2 BBC BITESIZE Education City (Login Required) Purple Mash (Login Required)

