Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Talbot-Davies

Mrs Ryan


Welcome to Year 2

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We are the oldest  class in Key Stage 1 and our class teachers are Mrs Talbot-Davies  (Monday to Thursday lunchtime) and Mrs Ryan (Thursday afternoon to Friday hometime). Mrs O'Donoghue is our class teaching assistant.

We have lots of fun and are always learning lots of new things!

Some Class Routines - see files attached. This info will also be available in a paper copy sent home the first or second week back!


Monday - Home Reading Books issued returned following Monday

Wednesday - PE  Autumn first half term (Sports Provider Full of Beans)

Thursday pm - Topic curriculum with Mrs Ryan

Friday  - PE  all year (Sports Provider Full of Beans)  Topic with Mrs Ryan

Snack Time And Water

Every day from 10.45 free fruit available or alternatively children can bring their own healthy snack!

Milk (optional)

Children are asked to bring their own sports bottle (name on please) filled with fresh water every day - children can access these freely throughout the day.smiley

Optional Toast available for morning snack (small charge)


Class Trips

Our annual class trip takes place in the Summer Term but we will let you know via a letter closer to the time.  We may have additional trips or other enhancement activities throughout the year to enrich our curriculum.


Monies to be paid

Milk is available every day and costs  £6 per year.

The School Levy is £10 per family per year.  All monies payable via the office.

Thank you

From all the Y2 team 




Useful websites for Year 2






Files to Download

Year 2: Galleries items

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