Spring Week 2 - Week 4
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 1:11pm
Hi everyone,
'Handa's Surprise' was this week's focus story. We enjoyed listening to the story, acting it out, and trying some of Handa's fruits. Additionally, we enjoyed making orange pomanders. This was a great exercise to help us develop our fine motor skills. Take a look at the photographs below.
In phonics, we revised all the trigraphs we had previously learned. To further solidify our phonic knowledge, we had fun playing a range of phonics games. Keep up the hard work, children!
We looked more closely at the number 10 in maths. Additionally, we strengthened our subitising skills, and gained a deeper understanding of the concept of one more than and one less than.
On Tuesday, we went to church and gave Mrs McDonell a ‘Welcome to our Church’ poster that we had made. In addition to telling us the Easter story, Mrs McDonell also talked about Lent. Furthermore, we asked Mrs McDonell some questions about Easter using a microphone.
For this week's Wellie Walk, we balanced quoits on our heads and then practised throwing them. It was a lot of fun.
We took some time on Friday to learn about St. Patrick's Day. We coloured the Irish flag, listened to Irish music, and discovered the significance of the shamrock as a lucky charm.
We wish you a happy weekend,
The Reception Team