Welcome to Year 4

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 6:57pm

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A big welcome back to school!

It has been lovely getting to know the new Year 4s this week and seeing them settle into the new routines so quickly.

We have spent this week getting to know one another. In PSHE, we read 'Perfectly Norman' which is all about being yourself and embracing the things that make you unique. The children then created their own Perfecly Me image. We have also explored St. Mary's core values (respect, integrity, nurture, passion and creativity), our missions statement (St. Mary's is a safe and happy place where we follow Jesus by living, loving and learning together.) and the British Values. While learning about democracy we took part in a class vote to decide our school councillors. These will be shared in next week's newsletter.

Image result for Stone Age Clipart free

This half term our topic is 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'. We will explore and compare what life was like in the Stone Age and Iron Age. In English, we will be reading 'Stone Age Boy' and using the story as inspiration for our writing. In Art, we will be creating cave art. In maths, we will focus on place value before beginning our addition and subtraction unit.


Spellings will be sent out next week for the half term and homework and home readers will be sent out from the week commencing 18th September.