Y2 Welcome Back after February half term!

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 10:02am

Hello there everyone,

Welcome back after half term.

Our Lenten Journey has begun, and we have been enjoying following the CAFOD Lenten journey calendar and thinking about how we can become closer to God.  The children have made their Lenten promises and have been adding them to our Worship Table during Class Worship.

In Happy Healthy Me we are finishing off  last term’s topic, thinking about our needs and wants and how we have choices.  This term we will be looking at how medicines can help us to feel better and when and why we might need medicine. We work well in pairs and small groups during these sessions and there is always lots of lively discussion! We use our class emojis to talk about how we are all feeling and remember that we can share our worries with a grown up by using the “Chatterbox”. 

This week we have continued to practise multiplication and division and Times Tables Rockstars is helping some of us become fluent with our times tables (10-, 5- and 2-times tables.) This is helping us work efficiently when we are working on our calculations and problems. Logins for Times Tables Rockstars will be sent out again with next week’s homework.  Times tables need lots of practice and this extra practice at home will really help your child become more confident with number.

In our literacy lessons we have been enjoying the story “Toys In Space” and have produced some rather lovely writing in response to the lost toys arriving in class!  We were very surprised on Tuesday when they were all sitting there in our classroom waiting to be loved! Happily, everyone has been given the important job of looking after their own lost toy and giving them a lovely St Mary’s welcome! In our Phonics sessions we had an assessment week and reviewed all the sounds taught in the first half of Spring Term.  These will be sent home with Home Reading books and homework on Monday.

Well done to our Class Award winners this week.  See the Newsletter for all the details of the individual House Point winners this week.

Mrs Amor will be launching “Out of this world” topic this term. It is a great topic where the children learn all about Space and the first lunar landing.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will see you on Monday.

Mrs TD