Y3 class blog 11.3.22

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 4:02pm

Today in Year 3 we got chance to take part in a virtual workshop with the Museum of Liverpool.  We learnt all the history of Liverpool and how it became the great city we know today.  There were lots of pictures, maps, and artefacts of Liverpool.  We found out lots of different facts about Liverpool.

Here is what some of the children said about the workshop…..

Oliver said, “I liked learning about how the horses helped move goods at the docks.”

Harry said, “My favourite was when we learnt about how Liverpool changed from the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings.”

Indiana said, “I never knew Liverpool had a castle.”


In Year 3 we have lots to celebrate, and this week’s winners are:

The winners for last week and this week are

Star of the week: Robert

Overall house point winner: Scarlett

Bucket filler: Jude 

Good work: Tilly