Y3 end of term blog

Date: 7th Feb 2024 @ 1:54pm


Hi everyone,

I hope you all have a lovely half term.

This week we completed lots of activities for Mental Health week.  Each day we had a different focus these were Mighty Monday, Thoughtful Tuesday, Wishful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, and Friendship Friday.  Throughout the week we complete the daily mile and played some maths games.  Look at some pictures of our week by clicking on the files tab at the bottom of the blog.

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The term ahead ……

During Spring 2 we continue our ‘Marvellous Merseyside’ topic.  This week we will be completing some artwork on the Liverpool, and we will be researching our focus artist Antony Gormley.  In science we will be finishing off our rocks and soils topic.  In geography we will continue to look at our local area and the local geography.


Just few reminders for the term....


Spellings are tested and new ones sent home.



Homereaders are sent home and brought into school 

Emile homework is set to be completed for the following Friday 



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