Year 3 class blog 17.9.21

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 2:17pm

We have had another very busy week in Year 3! Here is a quick snapshot of what we have been doing.

In Come and See we have started our homes topic.  We have created a piece of artwork based on different phrases e.g. ‘Home is where the heart is’

During our literacy lesson we have been reading George’s Marvellous Medicine and exploring the 2 main characters, Grandma and George. We ‘hot seated’ each character and we have written a character description of Grandma.

During our body business topic, we have been learning about healthy eating and the different food groups.  In art, we have started to evaluate the artwork of Giuseppe Arcimboldo who is our focus artist this half term.



In Year 3 we have lots to celebrate and this week’s winners are:star.png

Star of the week: Daisy

Overall house point winner: Howie

Bucket filler: Robert

Good work:  Maddie

Well done everyone!!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Tuesday!