E-Safety 2019

Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 2:50pm

E-Safety at St. Mary's 2019

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This week, we held our annual E-Safety assembly for the children in Key Stage Two and their parents. Each year, we concentrate on the importance of staying safe online, as technology is constantly evolving and changing: we need to make sure we know exactly how to keep ourselves safe.

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Each term, we learn about E-Safety in our classes and this assembly was a demonstration of what we had all learned during the Autumn term lessons.

After a short prayer time, each class presented their learning in lots of fun ways: we had role play, artwork, comic strips, posters and even a rap!

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Year 3 - the children in Year 3 worked extremely hard to learn all about safe and unsafe uses of the internet. They also gave us tips to help us come up with a secure, strong password.

See the source image

Year 4 - Year 4 also worked incredibly hard! They learned all about a digital footprint and what it is. They also shared some footprints they had designed themselves, as well as talking to us about identify theft and how to keep their 'yappy' information a secret!

See the source image

Year 5 - In Year 5, the children talked about the SMART rules and what they stood for. They also gave us scenarios to consider and we had to think carefully about which SMART rule applied to the scenario we were given. The Year 5 children also produced some fantastic comic strips.

See the source image

Year 6 - In Year 6, the children looked at how to balance their screen time and time in the real world. They completed a survey as part of their homework to see how much time was spent using technology. Also, the Year 6 children designed E-Safety t-shirts, which are now displayed outside the cyberlab. Finally, they performed an E-Safety rap.

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