Year 4 End of Spring Term 1

Date: 15th Feb 2023 @ 2:43pm

Year 4|Childwall C of E Primary School

What a busy half term we've had in Year 4!


We have explored life in ancient Rome in our current topic 'Rotten Romans'. We have looked at timelines, explored a range of primary and secondary sources and discovered how the Roman army allowed the Roman Empire to expand over so much of the world. We also learnt about the Roman invasions of Britain and when we return to school we will be finding out how the Celts felt about the Romans and exploring Boudicca's rebellion.


We have completed our Electricity unit in Science. The children have really enjoyed using electrical components to create circuits. They have investigated how circuits work, built and tested their own switches and explored a range of materials to decide if they are conductors or insulators.


In the final week of term, we celebrated Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing Week. Each day we cmpleted activities linked to a unique theme. Mighty Monday, Thoughful Tuesday, Wishful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday and Friendly Friday. On Tuesday, we took part in a classroom yoga lesson to help us unwind and relax.


The children have been working really hard to earn the first Pen Licences of the year and a huge congratulations goes to Jessica, Bobby, Indiana, Lucas and Sophia who will be able to write in pen when we return to school. There are lots of others who are very close to getting pens too, they know what they need to do to get there, so hopefully we will be giving out more pens very soon!