Home Learning Thursday 9th July
Date: 5th Jul 2020 @ 1:13pm
Good Morning Year 3
How are you all today? Did you manage to complete some of the work that I set yesterday?
Today's tasks:
Maths: Today's lesson explores Volume and Capacity. Volume is how much liquid is in a container. Capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold. The Bitesize video shows you how to measure volume and capacity in l and ml and there are some practical tasks for you to complete. I have attached a PowerPoint that explores how to measure volume and capacity and there is a work sheet for you to complete.
Literacy: Today you will have the opportunity to continue the work that you started on prepositions on Tuesday. I have attached a work sheet and a word search for you to have a go at.
Times tables: 10 minutes
Reading: try to read for half an hour.
Afternoon Tasks: Just like yesterday, choose one from the list on Monday's blog.
I've had no photographs or examples of work sent in today children, so that means today's blog is short and sweet.
Work hard. Stay safe and have a lovely day
Mrs Hymers